Session: Is your product ready to be shipped?: Assessing product readiness by combining product metrics, qualitative & quantitative User experience research approaches
Product teams, designers, and engineers often toil hard to assess if their product is ready to be shipped i.e., does it fulfill the needs of the users, is it reliable and performant, have the bugs been triaged and resolved, and to what extent are the customers satisfied with the entire offering and so on and so forth. Teams most commonly rely on bug triaging, NPS (Net Promoter Scores), CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) scores, or other readiness metrics to gate the accepted readiness levels for the product to be used by users. In this talk, we will be highlighting how qualitative, and quantitative “Design research Longitudinal studies” allow teams to follow the users in real-time, generating fabulously rich, valuable data that not just overcome the limitations of product readiness metrics but when used in parallel with them, assess product readiness, contributes to feature prioritization and planning future product future. Two Adobe researchers will be presenting a case study on their approach to effectively running a user experience longitudinal research study in partnership with cross-functional, cross-product teams such as product, data, community, and design for an emerging Adobe product. They will be introducing the need for and importance of setting up reops infrastructure for longitudinal studies, describing the operational methods and practices that helped them overcome the time, budget, and participant constraints in longitudinal design research. And finally, how the insights from the research got noticed by top executives in Adobe and impacted the immediate product strategy, feature prioritization, and roadmap for the product & its partner teams.
Shrut is a Cognitive Scientist and a UX Researcher with 6 years of combined experience in academic & product research. Currently, she is a Sr. Experience Researcher for Adobe’s Creative Cloud & Emerging Products team, shaping and driving the next evolution of the Creative Cloud(CC) suite of products.
In the past, she has founded & led the UX Research operations @Lollypop Design Studio(Bangalore), where she set up the UX Research function from scratch & mentored a team of UX Researchers on 30+ exploratory, evaluative UX research projects across diverse domains.
Her research expertise lies at the intersection of emerging technologies, global UX Research & operations, and cognition and behavioral sciences. She has been awarded numerous design awards such as A'design Award, and Interface Red Dot Award to name a few. She is an inclusion & accessibility enthusiast, and mentors aspiring UX professionals, and emerging UX research teams